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Successful performance of the Czech puppet group Karromato at the Monkstown International Puppet Festival

On September 21, 2019 a performance of the Czech puppet theater company Karromato took place in Monkstown, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Dublin. The performance took place as part of the first ever International Puppet Festival in Monkstown and was a huge success.


The puppet theater company Karromato played the popular performance The Wooden Circus in the prestigious premises of The Parish Church in Monkstown, whose capacity of 165 seats was hopelessly sold out for this performance.

Karromato is a professional international puppet company founded in Prague in 1997. Its founding members come from the Czech Republic, Hungary and Spain and build on their previous experience from various theater groups. Karromato works as puppeteers, artists and designers of traditional wooden puppets and has performed with its performances in more than 30 states of Europe, Asia and America. The group is based primarily on the tradition of classical Central European marionette theater and in all its performances it seeks communication with the viewer without the need for a word, based on both the universality of humor and music and the power of expression that each puppet has. The craftsmanship of the production, the use of wood and the detailed completion of puppets and decorations give the viewer memories of a time he has not lived but which he misses in some way.

Karromato also enjoyed the attention of the Irish media, such as The Irish Times: https://www.irishtimes.com/news/ireland/irish-news/images-of-the-weekend-1.4026703


Dřevěný cirkus / The Wooden Cirkus

Dřevěný cirkus / The Wooden Cirkus


Dřevěný cirkus / The Wooden Circus

Dřevěný cirkus / The Wooden Circus

Karromato - Pavla Srncová a Luis Montoto / Karromato - Pavla Srncová and Luis Montoto

Karromato - Pavla Srncová a Luis Montoto / Karromato - Pavla Srncová and Luis Montoto