Summer School of Slavonic Studies 2022 – call for applications
26.01.2022 / 11:24 | Aktualizováno: 26.01.2022 / 12:12
The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Denmark announces that the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports offers two scholarships to Danish applicants at the courses of Summer School of Slavonic Studies 2022 (SSSS).
The study course is intended to students, professionals (teachers, translators etc.) and academics in the field of Bohemian and Slavic studies over 18 years. However, due to its wide scope, the course is open to all interested parties in the Czech language, literature, history and culture .
The candidates from Denmark are offered two scholarships in 2022, one in Brno and one in Olomouc. Scholarship covers board and lodging, course fees and free access to cultural events which are part of the course program. Nevertheless, you can sign up for all summer courses as a self-payer too.
If you are interested, fill in the application form and send the printed one to the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Copenhagen no later than March 15, 2022.
This year is the Summer School of Slavonic Studies organized by the following universities:
SSSS Brno: July 23 - August 20, 2022, Masaryk University in Brno
Summer School of Slavonic Studies 2022 - Brno (PDF, 260 KB)
SSSS Olomouc: July 16 - August 14, 2022, Palacký University in Olomouc
Summer School of Slavonic Studies 2022 - Olomouc (PDF, 2 MB)
For more information, please visit Summer Schools of Slavonic Studies 2022.