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Certification of foreign origin documents for the use in the Czech Republic


Information on Issuing an Apostille Certificate

If a document issued in the United States is to be submitted to an authority in the Czech Republic (e.g., a registry office), it must be accompanied by a verification certificate known as an apostille. In individual U.S. states, apostilles are usually issued by the Department of State or the Secretary of State. Additional offices authorized to issue apostilles can be found on the website of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.

An apostille includes the heading APOSTILLE and refers to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents, adopted in The Hague on October 5, 1961 (Convention de La Haye du 5 Octobre 1961).

Currently, nearly 90 countries worldwide issue apostilles and recognize foreign public documents accompanied by an apostille.


Following are the contact information of Offices of the Secretaries of State:

State Tel. Address
Alabama 334-242-7207 Secretary of State
Document Authentication
600 Dexter Ave Rm S-105
Montgomery, AL 36104
Alaska 907-465-3509 Lieutenant Governor
240 Main Street, Suite 300
Juneau, AK 99801
American Samoa 684-633-4116 Executive Office Building
Third Floor
Utulei, Pago Pago
American Samoa 96799
Arizona 602-542-4758 Secretary of State
Att: Notary Section
1700 W. Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2808
Arkansas 501-682-3409 Secretary of State, Notary Division
State Capitol
Little Rock, AR 72201-1094
California 916-653-3595 Secretary of State
Notary Public Division
1500 11th Street, 2nd Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Colorado 303-894-2680 Secretary of State
Notary Division
1560 Broadway, Suite 20
Denver, CO 80202-5169
Connecticut 860-509-6135 Authentication
Secretary of State
30 Trinity Street
Hartford, CT 06106
Delaware 302-739-3073 Department of State
Division of Corporations
401 Federal Street, Suite 4
Dover, DE 19901
Florida 904-488-7521 Department of State
Notary Commissions
and Certifications Section
Capitol Building, Room 1902
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Georgia 404-327-6023 Georgia Superior Court Clerks'
Cooperative Authority
Notary Division
1875 Century Boulevard, Suite 100
Atlanta, GA 30345
Guam 011-671-475-3324 Office of the Attorney General
Suite 2-200E, Judicial Center Building
120 W. O'Brien Drive
HagDtYa, Guam 96910-5174
Hawaii 808-586-0255 Office of the Lt. Governor
PO BOX 3226
Honolulu, HI 96801
Idaho 208-334-2300 Secretary of State
Notary Public Department
BOX 83720
700 West Jefferson, Room 203
Boise, ID 83720-0080
Illinois 217-782-7017 Secretary of State
111 East Monroe Street
Sprinfield, IL 62756
Indiana 317-232-6532 Indiana Secretary of State
Authentication Department
302 W. Washington Street, Room E-018
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Iowa 515-281-5204 Secertary of State
Lucas Building, First Floor
321 East 12th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
Kansas 785-296-2239 Kansas Secretary of State
Attn.: Notary Clerk Georgia Lott
Memorial Hall, First Floor
120 SW 10th Avenue
Topeka, KS 66612-1594
Kentucky 502-564-7330 Secretary of State
Corporate Department
700 Capitol Building, Room 154
Frankfort, KY 40601
Louisiana 225-342-4980 Secretary of State
900 Third Street, 19th Floor
Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Attn.: Commission Division
Maine 207-624-7650 Secreatry of State - CEC
Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions
101 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0101
Maryland 410-974-5521 Certification Desk
Office of the Secretary of State
State House
Annapolis, MD 21401
Massachusetts 617-727-2832 Secretary of the Commonwealth
Public Records Division
Commissions Section, Room 1719
McCormack Building
One Ashburton Place
Boston, MA 02108
Michigan 517-373-2531 Secretary of State
Office of the Great Seal
7064 Crowner Boulevard
Lansing, MI 48918-1750
Minnesota 612-296-2803 Secretary of State
Attn.: Certification
State Office Building, Room, 180
100 Constitution Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55155
Mississippi 601-359-1615 Secretary of State
Notary Department
PO BOX 136
Jackson, MS 39025
Missouri 573-751-4756 Commissions
Secretary of State's Office
600 West Main, Room 367
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Montana 406-444-5379 Office of the Secretary of State
Notary Department
PO BOX 202801
Helena, MT 59620-2801
Nebraska 402-471-2558 Secretary of State
Notary Division, Room 1301
State Capitol Building
PO BOX 95104
Lincoln, NE 68509
Nevada 702-684-5708 Secretary of State
101 North Carson Street, Suite 3
Carson City, NV 89701
New Hampshire 603-271-3242 Office of the Secretary of State
Elections Division, Administration Office
State House, Room 204
107 North Main Street
Concord, NH 03301
New Jersey 609-292-9292 Department of the Treasury
NJ Division of Revenue
Notary Unit
Business Support Service Bureau
PO BOX 452
Trenton, NJ 08625-0452
New York

for birth, marriage and death outside of NY City
518-474-8642 Department of State
Miscelleneous State Records Bureau
41 State Street
Albany, NY 12231
New York City
212-417-5747 Department of State
Certification Unit
123 William Street, 19th Floor
New York NY 10038
North Carolina 919-807-2140 NC Secretary of State
Authentication Office
2 South Salisbury Street
Raleigh, NC 27601-2903
North Dakota 701-328-2901 Secretary of State
State Capitol
600 East Boulevard Avenue, Dept. 108
Bismarck, ND 58505-0500
Ohio 614-466-2585 Secretary of State
Elections Department
180 East Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Oklahoma 405-521-2516 Secretary of State
101 State Capitol Building
2300 N. Lincoln Boulevard
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-4847
Oregon 503-986-2593 Secretary of State
Corporation Division - Notary Section
Suite 151
255 Capitol Street, NE
Salem, OR 97310-1327
Pennsylvania 717-787-5280 Department of State
Bureau of Commissions, Elections and Legislation
Room 210, North Office Building
Harrisburg, PA 17120
Puerto Rico 787-722-2121 Department of State
PO BOX 9023271
San Juan, PR 00902-3271
Rhode Island 401-222-1487 Office of the Secretary of State
Notary Division
100 North Main Street
Providence, RI 02903

South Carolina

South Dakota


Secretary of State
Notary Department
Edgar Brown Building, Fifth Floor
1205 Pendleton Street
Columbia, SC 29201

Secretary of State
State Capitol Building
500 East Capitol, Suite 204
Pierre, SD 57501
Tennessee 615-741-3699 Secretary of State
William R. Snodgrass Tower
312 Eighth Avenue North, 6th Floor
Nashville, TN 37243
Texas 512-463-5705 Secretary of State
Notary Public Unit
1019 Brazos, Room B-13
Austin, TX 78701
Utah 801-538-1102 Department of Commerce
Notary Office
Attention: Fran Fish
PO BOX 140760
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-0760
Vermont 802-828-2308 Secretary of State
26 Terrace Street
Montpelier, VT 05609-1103
Virgin Islands 809-774-2991 Lt. Governor, Notary Division
No. 18 Kongens Gade
Charlotte Amalie
St. Thomas, VI 00802
Virginia 804-786-2441 Secretary of the Commonwealth
830 East Main Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Washington State 360-586-2268 Corporation Division
Apostille and Certificate Program
801 Capital Way South
Olympia, WA 98504-0228
Washington, DC 202-727-3117 Office of the Secretary
Office of the Notary and Authentication, Suite 810A
441 Fourth Street, NW
Washington, D.C
West Virginia 304-558-6000 Secretry of State
1900 Kanawha Boulevard
Building 1, Suite 157K
Charleston, WV 25305
Wisconsin 608-266-5503 Office of the Secretary
Attn.: Certification Desk
PO BOX 7848
Madison, WI 53707-7848
Wyoming 307-777-5860 Secretary of State
Apostille Division
State Capitol
200 West 24th Street
Cheyenne, WY 83002