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budova GK New York

Bohemia's Jews and Their 19th Century - Talk

Jindrich Toman, Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of Michigan, will discuss literary and journalistic texts that shed light on relations between Czechs and Jews in Bohemia in the 19th century. more ►

Czech National Symphony Orchestra (CNSO) tours the USA

Czech National Symphony Orchestra (CNSO) returns for its third US tour. The CNSO for 26 years has earned an enviable reputation among both Czech and Europe’s top symphonic ensembles. Renowned for its versatility, the orchestra annually… more ►

Summer Schools of Slavonic Studies 2023

Summer Schools of Slavonic Studies (SSSS) are study courses organized by several public universities in the Czech Republic. Courses are held annually during the summer months (July, August, September). Their duration ranges from 3 to 4 weeks.… more ►

Filharmonie Brno: Chamber Concert in Bohemian National Hall

The Dvořák American Heritage Association (DAHA) as part of the Bohemian Benevolent and Literary Association (BBLA), in collaboration with Czech Center New York and the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in New York, presents Filharmonie… more ►

Paths: Concert of Tomáš Jamník and Josef Špaček

Consulate General of the Czech Republic in New York will present, in collaboration with the Czech Center New York, a concert on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the independent Czech Republic, called Paths of Tomáš… more ►

Invitation to participate in the 51st International Children’s Exhibition of Fine Art Lidice 2023

The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in New York brings attention to the 51st International Children’s Exhibition of Fine Art Lidice. The 2023 edition will be dedicated to theme DANCE. Deadline is February 10, 2023. more ►

Czech Christmas at the Bohemian National Hall

Join us for a special afternoon of the traditional Czech Holiday activities. Bring family and friends to this celebration of Czech Christmas traditions and musical culture! more ►

"One Man Show - Between the Lines” featuring Rudy LINKA

On the occasion of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2022, the Consulate General of the Czech Republic invites you to the Rudy Linka show followed by meet-the artists reception. more ►