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Remembering 200 years since the birth of K.H.Borovský


The Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Chicago in cooperation with the T.G.Masaryk Czech school celebrated the 200 year anniversary since the birth of Karel Havlicek Borovský at his monument in Chicago on October 30th. more ►

Invitation - Tomáš Kačo: My Home

T. Kačo

We cordially invite you to the concert of pianist Tomáš Kačo on Sunday, September 19, 2021 from 4 pm at the Hey Nonny Club in Arlington Heights. more ►

Lukáš Vondráček at the Ravinia music festival 2021

Lukáš Vondráček

On July 17, 2021, a concert by the leading Czech pianist Lukáš Vondráček and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra under the direction of the conductor Ms. Marin Alsop will take place at 8 p.m. as a part of the Ravinia Music Festival. more ►

76th Annual Prague Spring International Music Festival

Prague Spring 2021

The 76th annual Prague Spring International Music Festival will take place mainly online again this year. The festival will present 23 concerts, which will be available on the Prague Spring 2021 website. more ►

The Gentle Barbarian - conversation with Paul Wilson

The Gentle Barbarian

A virtual conversation with the translator Paul Wilson will take place on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 6 pm. The University of Chicago, in cooperation with the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Chicago will this time present a Bohumil… more ►

76. ročník mezinárodního hudebního festivalu Pražské jaro 2021

Pražské jaro 2021

76. ročník mezinárodního hudebního festivalu Pražské jaro se i v letošním roce uskuteční z větší části v on-line podobě. Festival uvede 23 koncertů, které budou ke shlédnutí na webové stránce Pražského jara 2021. Festival začíná tradičně dne 12.… more ►

Europe Day 2021

Den Evropy 2021

On the initiative of the EU member states’ Consuls General in Chicago in cooperation with the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and on the occasion of Europe Day 2021, a panel of experts examines how the EU-US relationship can respond to… more ►