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Seminář zaměřující se na Bio a Nanotechnologii v ČR

Seminář se uskutečnil dne 27. března 2012 od 9:00 do 16:00 hod. v University Technology Park v IIT, Technology Business Center, 3440 S. Dearborn St., Chicago.

The seminar will provide an overview of the structure of Czech research and development entities, track the latest progress in the field of Bio and Nanotechnology and facilitate direct contact and networking opportunities between the research communities, policy makers and business leaders from these areas.

A delegation of representatives of Czech Bio and Nano clusters and companies will be led by the Minister of Health Dr. Leos Heger and the Czech Ambassador to the USA Hon. Petr Gandalovic.

There is no charge for the workshop, lunch will be provided.

Parking will be available at 34th and State.

The event program

For more information please call at 312-861-1037, ext. 107 or e-mail ctd.seminar@gmail.com


USA_CZECH_TECHNOLOGY_DAYS__March_27__2012_programme 99 KB PDF (Acrobat dokument) 30. 3. 2012