Changes to the conditions for accepting applications for long-term visas
13.07.2023 / 16:13 | Aktualizováno: 13.07.2023 / 16:32
In connection with the amendment of Act No. 326/1999 Coll. on the residence of foreigners in the territory of the Czech Republic, there was a change in the conditions for submitting applications applicable to applicants for long-term visas. Thus, these applicants will be able to apply only on the basis of fulfilling the conditions listed below. The change is valid from July 1, 2023.
Citizens residing for a long time in the countries of consular jurisdiction of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Bucharest (who are not citizens of these countries) they will be able to submit an application for a long-term visa or long-term stay at the given Embassy of the Czech Republic only if they have resided in the given countries legally and continuously for a period of at least two years.
At the same time, Decree No. 35/2020 Coll., on determining the territorial districts of Czech diplomatic missions for the purposes of submitting applications for residence permits, was repealed.
Territorial jurisdiction of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Bucharest.