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Pozvánka na konferenci "Digital Touchpoints of Industry 4.0 in Austria, Czech Republic and Germany" (30. 5. 2018, ČVUT v Praze)

Srdečně Vás zveme na mezinárodní konferenci k digitalizaci ekonomiky a Průmyslu 4.0 v ČR, SRN a Rakousku, kterou pořádá Český institut pro informatiku a kybernetiku při ČVUT dne 30. 5. 2018 v Praze.

The Digital Touchpoints of Industry 4.0 in Austria, Czech Republic and Germany conference will bring inspiring keynotes from Germany and Austria to share their experience with Industry 4.0 implementation in their home countries.

The conference keynotes will compare the readiness of German, Austrian and Japanese companies for Industry 4.0 changes and offer an insight into how the Czech industry is adapting to the new trends. 

The conference will be followed by an Open House Day in the Testbed for Industry 4.0 which begins in the early afternoon hours and is free to conference participants to attend. During the Open House it is possible to tour the unique Testbed for Industry 4.0 which is an experimental lab designed to test inovative solutions and processes for the so called „Smart factories.“

The conference is in English and Czech without interpretation.

Please register at or at, participation fee is 1 000 CZK plus 21% VAT.

The fee includes entry to the conference and Open House in Testbed for Industry 4.0, documentation in electronic form as well as tea/coffee breaks, drinks and buffet lunch.

Program of the conference:

Date: 30. 5. 2015

Time: 9:00 - 13:00

Place: CIIRC CTU, Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580/3, Praha 6 (Redroom)

Dress Code: Business Casual

Language of the conference: English & Czech (without interpretation)


Digital Touchpoints of Industry 4.0 in Austria, Czech Republic and Germany

9:00 - 9:30


9:30 - 9:40

Welcome & Opening of the conference

prof. Ing. Vladimír Mařík, DrSc., dr.h.c., director of CIIRC CTU, Czech Republic

9:40 -10:20

Industry 4.0 in Austria

DI Roland Sommer, MBA,  Platform Industry 4.0, Austria

10:20 - 11:00

Providing Customized Applied Research Services to SME to support the uptake of Industry 4.0 and Digitalization Solutions

Christian Blobner, Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation IFF, Germany

11:00 - 11:15

Coffee/Tea break

11.15 - 11:35

Industry 4.0 in the Czech Republic

Ing. Roman Holý, Ph.D., director of National Centre for Industry 4.0, Czech Republic

11:35 - 11:55

e-F@ctory – Solution for a Smart Factory

Ing. Petr Brynda, Business Development Manager, Mitsubishi Electric Europe B. V., CZ

11:55 - 12:15

Real life demonstrations of Industry 4.0: virtual copies, cloud, digitalization of maintenance

Ing. Zdeněk Haumer, Festo, Czech Republic

12:15 - 12:30


12:30 - 13:15


Transfer to the Open House in Testbed for Industry 4.0


Autor: Tomáš Ehler, obchodní rada, Velvyslanectví České republiky v SRN