Small scale local projects supported by the Czech Embassy in 2016
29.06.2017 / 15:58 | Aktualizováno: 29.06.2017 / 16:33
Every year the Czech Embassy in Addis Ababa supports selected Ethiopian NGOs in the framework of the small scale projects call. The main aim of these projects is to directly address specific and real needs of the community. Since 2006, the Czech Embassy supported 40 small scale projects all over Ethiopia.
In 2016 4 small scale projects were supported by the Czech Embassy, namely WASH Project in Goriche woreda implemented by the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus Development Association Commission (EECMY-DASSC), Disabled People’s Resources Center project in Debrebirhan implemented by Help For Persons with Disabilities Organization (HPDO), Irrigation project at Debrebirhan implemented by Integrated Rural Development Association (ADHENO) and Disability Resources Center project implemented by Bahirdar University.
EECMY – DASSC, one of the biggest local NGO operating throughout Ethiopia, won two rounds of local small scale project grant from the Czech Embassy and constructed 10 water pumps in 3 kebeles; Kiliye, Asarado Dama and Gemeso; found in Wonsho and Goriche woredas of Sidama zone, SNNPR. The project was targeted to minimize the severe shortage of access to clean water in those kebeles and to fight the waterborne diseases that are caused due to drinking unclean water from unsafe sources. Due to successful implementation of the project, girls’ school attendance got increased and waterborne diseases got decreased.
We also have supported the construction of a disability resource center in Debrebirhan town through the small scale grant given to HPD-O. This organization is one of the credible local NGO led by a passionate and dedicated man, who himself is visually impaired. The official inauguration of the new center took place on February 7, 2017 with the presence of many local government officials and H.E. Karel Hejč, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Ethiopia, as the main guest of honor. The resources center built by the HPD-O started functioning since September 2016 and so far more than 20 students with various disability problems (visual, hearing, intellectual and physical impairments) got the opportunity to use resources found in the center. The center consists of a library equipped with computers, text and reference books available both in braille and reading and musical instruments; which help students to get trained with additional skills. The center hired CBR workers to support students with reading and tutorial services. More information about the organization and their projects can be available on their website -
The third project supported by the Embassy was an irrigation project implemented by ADHENO. The project constructed one water reservoir, 3 water distribution points and an irrigation canal that benefited around 100 people living in two villages of Goshebado woreda. The remoteness and the topography of the project area makes it inaccessible by most state and non-state actors and the population living in that particular woreda don’t have access for most basic services; though the area is not that far from the main town, Debrebirhan. The area has a huge water resources potential that comes from the springs under the mountains which surrounded the woreda but less has been invested to exploit this potential and we believe the project could be a good example to do more similar projects to solve the water shortage problem in the area.
You may find more information about our small scale projects here -