Reception for the 100th anniversary of Czechoslovakia
29.10.2018 / 09:15 | Aktualizováno: 05.11.2018 / 12:52
Embassy of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic in Addis Ababa organized a gala reception for the 100th anniversary of the declaration of independence of Czechoslovakia
The Embassy of the Czech Republic and the Embassy of the Slovak Republic held a ceremonial reception on 24 October 2018 for the 100th anniversary of the declaration of independence of the independent Czechoslovak State. The reception was held in the Hilton's representative premises with the abundant participation of senior Ethiopian officials, resident diplomats, journalists, military attachés and visitors from the Ethiopian public who studied in Czechoslovakia.
Visitors were welcomed at the entrance by: HE Ambassador of the Czech Republic mr. Pavel Mikeš with his wife, HE Ambassador of the Slovak Republic mr. Miroslav Hacek, Deputy Ambassador of the Czech Republic mr. Jaroslav Zukerstein, Deputy representative of the Embassy of the Slovak Republic mr. Jan Petrla and Military and Air Attaché at the Embassy in Nairobi LTC Ondřej Abonyi.
The reception began with the hymns of both states, played by the director Yared School of Music, Mrs. Selamawit Argaw. The two ambassadors then made brief speeches. Ambassador Mikeš highlighted a long-standing historical bond between former Czechoslovakia and Ethiopia and expressed the hope that relations between the Czech Republic and Ethiopia will continue to flourish thanks to the growing cultural and trade exchange.
At the end of the reception, both Ambassadors cut a festive cake with flags of the Czech and Slovak Republics.