Music for Ethiopia
10.05.2018 / 12:43 | Aktualizováno: 22.05.2018 / 10:33
In 2018, as every year the Embassy of the Czech Republic supports 3 small scale projects in Ethiopia. One of the project was “Music for Ethiopia” that the Embassy has implemented in cooperation with the Yared school of Music in Addis Ababa. The aim of the project was to train the technician of the school in repairing string instruments as well as students and teachers in basic maintenance.
Last year the Czech Embassy has found out that the Yared School of Music has many instruments that need to be repaired. Therefore within the project “Music for Ethiopia” Mr. Jaroslav Kohout (http://www.houslar.eu/), who is a well-known violinmaker in the Czech Republic, came to Addis Abeba for 3 weeks to work with the school on repairing their string instruments – violins, violas and cellos. Besides training with the technicians, Mr. Kohout gave workshops to students and teachers how to take care of their instruments on a daily basis. Together with Mr. Yoseph Berhanu they have fully restored and thus brought back to life 36 string instruments. Besides trainings, the project financed the equipment of the school’s workshop with modern and specific tools and the school received many spare parts for the broken instruments.
The project that recalls tradition of great Czech musicians and musical instruments makers was financed by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Addis Ababa.