Czech Scientists on Ethiopian Geology
19.11.2021 / 14:52 | Aktualizováno: 04.09.2024 / 19:07
Czech geologists from the Czech Geological Survey and Charles University in close cooperation with Ethiopian colleagues from the Geological Survey of Ethiopia and Addis Ababa Science and Technology University published the results of joint scientific work in three renowned international journals. This scientific research took place in the framework of the Czech development cooperation projects in Ethiopia financed by the Czech Development Agency.
The results of the research significantly contribute to the knowledge of the geological environment of Southern Ethiopia, and also to the deeper understanding of natural processes with a numerous theoretical and practical implications.
The focus of the first publication written by Kryštof Verner and colleagues and published in Precambrium Research is the tectonic and metamorphic evolution of the East African Orogeny. The Ethiopian precambrium remains one of the most interesting, and at the same time understudied subjects in African geology.
The second publication compiled by Jan Valenta and colleagues was published in the journal Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, and clarifies the issue of subsurface erosion in the context of active tectonic evolution of the East African Rift System and climate:
The third article was published by Karel Martínek and colleagues in the journal of the European Geosciences Union - Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. It deals with the topic of the Main Ethiopian Rift slope deformations in various natural conditions: