Czech Embassy monitors innovative humanitarian project
26.01.2021 / 08:50 | Aktualizováno: 26.01.2021 / 12:01
Representative of the Czech Embassy in Addis Abeba took part at joint monitoring of humanitarian assistance project funded by the Czech Republic under the name: "Access to Water and Sanitation for Internally Displaced Persons and Host Communities" implemented by Care Ethiopia in East Hararge zone. The project aims at addressing 16.500 persons from draught affected communities at Gursum and Fedis woredas.
East Hararge remains one of the most underserved areas of Oromo Region affected by a high influx of IDPs due to climate factors and internal conflict along the borders with Somali Region. Water is extremely scarce in East Hararge, and existing sources are running out due to over-consumption of growing numbers of IDPs and host communities. In the most affected communities, Fadis and Gursum woredas, the water schemes have not been frequently maintained, many were defunct and fuel transportation for generators had risen the price of water.
During the monitoring, the respresentatives of woreda and zonal water and energy bureaus evaluated the outcomes of the project interventions. Meetings with community members took place in both woredas. The assistance was very timely and addressed the communities in highest need of affordable drinking water. This was achieved by rehabilitation of the defunct water points, shallow wells, as well as replacing the generators as the main source of energy with solar panels. Solar energy ensures lower price of water and low maintenance and up to 20 years of expected sustainability.
The infrastructure rehabilitation was complemented by several trainings of technicians in maintenance and community members on hygiene and sanitation promotion.

Katra Isak Abulahi - Women Community Representative from Gursum woreda describes advantages of rehabilitated shallow well