Ambassador Pavel Mikeš visited Sandford International School in Addis Ababa and donated books by Czech authors.
07.12.2021 / 14:37 | Aktualizováno: 04.09.2024 / 22:10
Almost a hundred books by Czech authors in English, French, Spanish, Amharic, Somali and Chinese will be available in the library of Sandford School at the Department for Secondary School and adults.
On November 29, 2021, Ambassador Pavel Mikeš visited Sandford International School in Addis Abeba, where he met with the Director of the Secondary School, Mr. Guy Colborne. A very lively discussion about Czech literature, culture, and history took place.
After that, the Ambassador donated more than a hundred books for the SIS library. The donation consisted of books of Czech writers, painters, drawers and photographers. Among the authors, renowned names of the Czech literature and art were present: Bohumil Hrabal, Karel Čapek, Jaroslav Hašek, Jiří Slíva, Petr Sís, Franz Kafka, Jan Kubíček, Josef Koudelka, Roman Burda, Milan Kundera, Paul Leppin, Vítězslav Nezval, Ludvík Vaculík, Zdeněk Jirotka, K. J. Erben, K.H. Mácha, Jan Neruda, Johannes Urzidil, Jindřich Štýrský, Vladislav Vančura, Ivan Klíma, Ladislav Klíma , Josef Škvorecký, Pavel Kohout, Tomáš Zmeškal, Martin Vopěnka, Jáchym Topol, Bohuslav Reynek, Hermann Unger, Michal Viewegh, Hanzelka a Zikmund, Michael Pospíšil and others.
The Ethiopian journal Taza (Under the Eaves) was also part of the donation with the article in Amharic by Jaroslav Veis: Robot - The most famous Czech celebrates 100th birthday.
The books are now available for the Secondary School students as well as for the whole Sandford Community.
Director Colborne appreciated the donation and mentioned that he will use the books during his history classes. Other books will be used during the world literature classes by Jeremy Waite, who is a connoisseur of Czech literature and presently lectures on several Czech authors such as Karel Čapek, Adalbert Stifter, Jaroslav Hašek, Josef Škvorecký, Pavel Kohout, and Milan Kundera et al.
The Sandford International School is currently fully operational, classes take place in the kindergarten, at the Elementary, and Secondary School level. Apart from the Ethiopian children, many children of diplomats from the EU and the AU as well as other Embassies are studying at the School. Addis Abeba is the diplomatic capital of Africa with the third highest number of Embassies in the world.