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Successful project to build 10 polyclinics in Ghana by a Czech company

Two-year project of construction of 10 policlinics by the Czech company VAMED Health Projects CZ s.r.o. will be accomplished in June 2018  

The project of construction of 10 polyclinics by the Czech company VAMED Health Projects CZ s.r.o. was concluded with Ghana's Ministry of Health in the total value of hundreds of millions of CZK. The project builds on the long-term activities of the Austrian parent company VAMED, which has already built 15 polyclinics in Ghana between 2008 and 2014. The financing of the project was made possible by the insurance of the Export Guarantee and Insurance Company EGAP, which also determined the minimum share of Czech supplies to 60% of the total contract price.

Potsin clinic

Potsin clinic

Therefore, in addition to the already mentioned VAMED Health Projects CZ s.r.o., other Czech companies such as MAXPROGRES s.r.o. with delivery of TZB (Technical Security of Buildings), MZ Liberec a.s. distributing medical and technical gases or PROMA REHA s.r.o. providing medical beds, took part in this project.

Inpatient department

Inpatient department

The project was launched in June 2016 and will be officially completed in June 2018. It includes "turn-key" polyclinic buildings including the necessary infrastructure needed to operate such facilities in the tropically demanding tropical conditions of Africa.

entrance room

entrance room

The polyclinics will provide basic health care, have beds with a capacity of up to 30 beds, a fully equipped operating room, a gynecological and maternity section and the necessary surgery. These health facilities are integrated into the comprehensive health system of Ghana, with a district hospital with a capacity of 200 beds and a regional hospital with a capacity of up to 1,000 beds.

administration department

administration department

The location of the polyclinics was determined by Ghana's Health Ministry to provide the necessary health care in the most needed areas of the country. In the central region of Ghana we can mention BIRIWA, POTSIN and AKUFUNDE.

Biriwa clinic

Biriwa clinic

VAMED Health Projects CZ s.r.o. besides the usual problems associated with the construction, also faced the problem of paying the import tax on goods and materials even though it was exempted of this duty. Therefore Czech Embassy in Akkra has appealed to the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), which is responsible for collecting taxes. Due to the fact that the diplomatic missions of other European countries complained about similar practice, it was dropped from this practice after 4 months. 

Potsin clinic

Potsin clinic

Despite the tough competition, for example, from China, this project shows the Czech company's ability to prosper in the African markets and should stimulate the activity of other Czech exporters.

Tomáš Zázvorka, Commercial Counselor, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Accra