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Superlegalization (higher autentification) of documents

Superlegalization is a higher authentication of a public document which confirms that the document was issued by the relevant authority. Superlegalization is being done by verification of the signature / official stamp / official seal on the document.

Certain documents (birth certificates, marrige certificates, criminal record characters, university diplomas etc.) that are to be used and submitted in the Czech Republic for various reasons (eg. marriage, application for a long-stay visa etc.) are required to be superlegalized. This requirement applies on documents from countries that did not sign Hague Convention, including all the countries that are covered by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Abuja.

Where can it be done:


  • Original of the document (!!!it is not possible to superlegalize certified or plain copy of the document!!!) that was previously authenticated (legalized) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the respective country of origin of the document (legalization is the official confirmation that a stamp, seal and a signature on a document are genuine). Documents to be superlegalized must be brought in person to the Embassy (sending documents by post is not possible).
  • Birth certificates and Marriage certificates must be brought by the owner ONLY.
  • In order to superlegalize the submitted document, the Embassy is entitled to require personal presence of the document holder or additional documentation proving the purpose of use of the superlegalized document in the Czech Republic.
  • Fee - equivalent of 600 CZK per 1 superlegalization (paid in cash in NGN according to the current exchange rate)