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Export and Import of Non-commercial Goods to and from the Czech Republic

Export and Import of Non-commercial Goods to and from the Czech Republic

(from other countries than EU member states)


Czech and foreign nationals (natural persons) are allowed to export from the Czech Republic without any permission articles of noncommercial nature, i.e., articles that are, as to their kind and quantity, imported exclusively to meet the personal needs of these persons and members of their families or which are to be given as presents. The value of the exported articles is not limited.

If the exported articles are subject to legal regulations, such as veterinary regulations, regulations concerning protection of cultural values, museum and gallery pieces, health and environmental protection, security, etc., the customs officers will require export permission pursuant to these regulations.


Personal gift items

A custom fee in the amount of 3,5% is applied to non-commercial imports with a total value exceeding 175 Euro per person (90 Euro for children under age 15). Limits for tobacco, alcohol and perfumes apply.

a) tobacco
  • 200 pcs cigarettes, 100 pcs cigarillos, 50 pcs cigars, 250 grams tobacco

b) alcoholic beverages
  • 1liter of liquors and spirits, vol. of alcohol more than 22%; non-denatured ethyl alcohol, vol. of alcohol 80% or more


  • 1 liter of liquors, spirits and aperitifs made of wine, alcohol, saké or similar, max. vol. of alcohol 22%; sparkling wines, liqueur wines

  • 2 liters of non-sparkling wines

c) fragrances
  • 50 grams of perfume or

  • 0.25 litre of Eau de toilette

These limits apply for gifts and personal items of value not exceeding 350 Euro (per person).

Gifts sent by mail

A custom fee in the amount of 3,5% is applied to non-commercial items with a total value exceeding 45 Euro per parcel. Restrictions for tobacco, alcohol and perfumes apply.

a) tobacco products
  • 50 pcs cigarettes or

  • 25 pcs cigarillos or

  • 10 pcs cigars or

  • 50 grams tobacco

b) alcoholic beverages
  • 1 liter of liquors and spirits, vol. of alcohol more than 22%; non-denatured ethyl alcohol, vol. of alcohol 80% or more or

  • 1 liter of liquors, spirits and aperitifs made of wine, alcohol, saké or similar, max. vol. of alcohol 22%; sparkling wines, liqueur wines

  • 2 liters of non-sparkling wines

c) fragrances
  • 50 grams of perfume or

  • 0.25 litre of Eau de toilette

The limits only apply to gifts and personal items of value not exceeding 350 Euro per parcel.
Custom fee for tobacco, alcohol and perfumes must be paid in full if imported for commercial purposes.