Genealogical Research in the Czech Republic
22.04.2011 / 22:49 | Aktualizováno: 06.08.2014 / 01:08
Information about resources for your family history research.
The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington, DC, wishes to inform you about genealogical research conducted by the State Archives. Any request for research studies and/or reproductions of documents from archival groups deposited in the State Archives of the Czech Republic should be addressed to the Administration of Archives of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic (Odbor archivní správy a spisové služby), which directs the state administration of the archive and script service:
Ministerstvo vnitra CR
Odbor archivni spravy a spisove sluzby
Milady Horakove 133
166 21 Praha 6
Czech Republic – EUROPE
Tel: +420 974 835 071, 974 835 088, 974 835 080
Fax: +420 233 341 049
This Department of archival administration directs the activity of the archives network of the Czech Republic. The archival network is divided into public and private archives. The National Archive (Narodni archiv) also belongs to the public archives and is able to directly deal with any request as well:
Narodni archiv
Archivni 4/2257
149 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic – EUROPE
Tel: (+420) 974 847 240
Fax: (+420) 974 847 214
Genealogical research in the State Archives can be conducted with respect to documentation dated prior to the year 1900. Fees are assessed for a majority of actions associated with your request. You can find the price list on this website: The research is based on the vital statistics registers (of birth, marriage and death) and can provide you with information about a person's birth name, marriage and death, information about his/her parents, the parent's profession (as listed on the Birth Certificate), the name of a person's spouse and the names of witnesses to the marriage (as listed on the Marriage Certificate), cause of death (as listed on the Death Certificate), etc.
Any request for a research study must include all available fundamental information. Without such data, research is either impossible or calls for more time and, therefore, is more expensive. If the applicant has originals of the registrar's certificates, the research may be greatly facilitated by enclosing photocopies of such documents with the application for the research study. The time required for the processing of an application depends on the difficulty and complexity of the research study. This process can take up to several months. The Embassy wishes you success in your quest for information about your Czech predecessors/ancestors.