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Bringing weapons/firearms into the Czech Republic

A visitor cannot import, export or transport explosives as non-commercial goods into the Czech Republic.

A weapon of category A, B or C or ammunition for such a weapon may be temporarily imported, held or carried in the territory of the Czech Republic or transported through the territory of the Czech Republic only on the basis of a permit. This permit is a firearms passport. An arms passport for the transit of a weapon or ammunition may be issued to natural or legal persons by the Czech Embassy on application. To natural or legal persons visiting the Czech Republic for the purpose of exercising the right to hunt or participating in shooting competitions and who hold a European arms passport, also by the police department at the border crossing.

A third-country passenger travelling to an EU Member State must present a permit from the competent authority of each Member State to or through which he or she intends to travel with the weapon or ammunition at an external EU border check.


An applicant applying for the permanent importation of arms/ammunition is required to submit:


  1. Copy of applicants passport and driver license or other proof of identity,
  2. Weapons license or firearms license,
  3. In addition to the particulars specified in the application, the application for a Weapons Passport (WPL) for the transit of a weapon or ammunition must also include a certified invitation from the hunting ground user or the organizer of a sporting event, if the purpose of the transit of the weapon or ammunition is to exercise the right to hunt or to participate in shooting competitions. In other cases, the applicant is obliged to state the purpose of the transit of weapons or ammunition (e.g. claiming a weapon manufactured in the Czech Republic) in the application for a ZPL for the transit of weapons or ammunition,
  4. Certificate of authorization to export arms from the USA,
  5. Any other documents confirming ownership of the weapon/firearm and authorization to possess it.
  6. The administrative fee for the issuance of a weapons passport. The amount is listed here.
  7. Prepaid envelope with return address.


Further information can be found on the website of the Czech Customs Administration.


Žádost o vydání ZPL 293 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Sep 23, 2024

Firearms Waybill 284 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Oct 31, 2024