Information on system CzechPOINT
Since 1.9.2008 the Embassy in Vilnius has full access to the system CzechPOINT, which allows to issue certified documents from the following registers and databases of the Czech Republic:
- Land Register
- Business Register
- Trade Register
- Insolvency Register
- Criminal Record
- List of qualified suppliers
- Register of participants in the operation module of car wrecks ISOH
Via system CzechPOINT it is also possible to ask for the following:
- Extract from scoring driver register
- Establishment of a data box
- Authorized document conversion
The above-mentioned services are provided during the working hours of the Embassy and charged according to Law No. 634/2004 Coll., on administrative fees. We recommend to call or e-mail in advance and set up a meeting due to the limited personal capacity of the Embassy.