Czech companies at ISRAFOOD
05.12.2019 / 11:07 | Aktualizováno: 19.12.2019 / 09:33
The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tel Aviv, in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic and the CzechTrade agency, organized a national stand at the ISRAFOOD 2019, the most important event of the food sector in Israel.
A total of 6 companies from the Czech Republic presented themselves at the fair: Emco, Nutricius, Semix Pluso, Simandl, Garden (Fromin Water) and Deva Nutricion. On the first day of the fair, the stand was officially opened and the opening speech was delivered by the Czech Ambassador to Israel Martin Stropnický. This three-day fair in Tel Aviv was also followed by a one-day presentation event in the Palestinian Authority organized by the Czech representative office in Ramallah. At a meeting at the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce, Czech companies had the opportunity to introduce themselves and their products and then to participate in B2B meetings with Palestinian partners.
Israel has significant trade deficits in food and agricultural products and imports large volumes of feed grains and consumer-oriented agricultural products (with the exception of fruit and vegetables). In 2018, Israeli imports of food products and beverages were worth $ 4.4 billion. Czech companies exported to Israel food products for $ 11.4 million last year; the main categories include cereals and cereal products ($ 5 million), edible products (sauces, ketchup, vinegar etc., $ 2.5 million), sugar and sugar products ($1.8 million) and beverages ($ 1.5 million). The Czech share of total food imports to Israel is therefore only about 0.4%, while the main food exporters to Israel remain European Union countries alongside the USA and Turkey. For this reason, the main objective of this export-oriented event was the penetration of Czech companies into the local market with great potential for growth. On the Israeli market, food imports from abroad usually take place through local partners / distributors, who visited the Czech stand in large numbers. Representatives of third countries, mainly from France, also showed interest in the exhibited goods of Czech companies.
This mission took place thanks to the kind support of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic in the frame of Project of economic diplomacy (PROPED). The Czech Embassy in Tel Aviv would like to thank all participants for their cooperation.
Nela Bradleova, Trade department, Czech Embassy in Tel Aviv