Call for Applications / Czech-UNDP Partnership for Sustainable Development Goals
24.09.2019 / 14:07 | Aktualizováno: 24.09.2019 / 14:09
The Czech-UNDP Partnership for Sustainable Development Goals Project responds to development challenges and supports a transfer of Czech expertise and innovative solutions to partner countries.
The Challenge Fund: Czech Solutions for Sustainable Development Goals (CFCS) will boost and facilitate Czech know-how transfer and offer innovative solutions addressing development needs in three priority countries of the Czech official development assistance. These challenges have been identified by country offices of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and directly contribute to the achievement of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The CFCS will co-finance innovative solutions enhancing development capacity, bringing an added value and introducing new technologies or products. The CFCS supported innovations should be sustainable and have a scale up potential.
CFCS aims to attract eligible applicants from Czech private sector, NGOs, universities, public institutions, research centers. Applicants are required to engage and collaborate with local partners to assure viability, sustainability and continuity of the proposed projects. More details and background information of this call for applications as well as eligibility and evaluation criteria are available via:
Priority countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, or the Republic of Moldova
Contracting deadline: December 2019
Expected duration of contracts: up to 1 year
Estimated prize: Ranging between US$20,000 USD and US$40,000
Required co-funding is at least 20% of the total project costs.
Applications must be submitted by 31 October, 2019 before 22:00 CET via e-mail to:
Please make sure all required documents in attachment are in PDF format and max size 10 MB.