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Czech Senate Delegation Visits Estonia Led by First Deputy Speaker Jiří Drahoš

In a display of international collaboration, the First Deputy Speaker of the Czech Republic Senate Jiří Drahoš led a delegation visit to Estonia between 15 and 18 May 2023. The delegation, comprising representatives from the Senate's Education, Science, Culture, Human Rights, and Petitions Committee, as well as the Standing Committee on Mass Media, focused on exploring Estonia's unique educational, digital, and cultural landscapes.

A host of official meetings were held with the Estonian Parliament (Riigikogu), accompanied by expert consultations. Among others, the delegation was received by 1st Vice President of the Riigikogu, Toomas Kivimägi, members of the Estonian – Czech Parliamentary Friendship Group, Committee on Culture and Committee on National Defence. 

A key feature of the visit was the delegation's trip to Estonia's tech and education hubs. The Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) hosted the delegation, providing them with a chance to interact with Vice-Rector for Research Tiit Lukk and Reijo Karu, the Head of the Department of International Cooperation.  In Tartu, Estonia's second-largest city, the delegation met with the University of Tartu's Rector Toomas Asser. The delegation also visited two high schools in Tallinn discussing the challenges in the primary and secondary education.

Highlighting Estonia's commitment to integrating technology into education, a visit to the e-Estonia briefing center offered an enlightening presentation on digitalisation in education. The delegation also visited the NATO Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, demonstrating a shared concern for cybersecurity in our increasingly digital world.

First Deputy Speaker Drahoš also participated in a bilateral discussion with the President of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Tarmo Soomere further cementing the scientific collaboration between the two nations.

Simultaneously, a two-day seminar on digitisation in librarianship, co-organized by the National Libraries of Estonia and the Czech Republic, was held in Tallinn. Mr. Drahoš inaugurated the event, further emphasizing the importance of digital transformations in diverse sectors.

The visit concluded with a reception at the National Library of Estonia, marking the end of a successful trip focused on fostering shared learning, mutual growth, and strengthening the diplomatic ties between the Czech Republic and Estonia.


Czech Senate Delegation Visits Estonia Led by First Deputy Speaker Jiří Drahoš