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Photo: ZÚ Tallinn
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Czech Embassy celebrated Europe Day

On Tuesday 9 May, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Estonia participated in the celebration of Europe Day in Tallinn. The event was organised by the Representation of the European Commission in Estonia. The main theme of the event was biodiversity.

A big celebration of Europe took place in Tallinn's main square Vabaduse väljak.  From three o'clock in the afternoon, many EU countries promoted the best of their countries. In addition to Sweden, Italy, Spain, Austria, Poland, Germany and Ukraine, the Czech Republic also had a stand.

 The main attraction of our stand was the world-famous Little Mole and his other animated friends, who are very popular in Estonia. All afternoon we talked about Czech culture, country and language with people of different ages. Young people were excited to go to Prague, older ones reminisced or discovered something new. Young children were given Czech sweets and colouring books.

 Several of our compatriots stopped by for a chat and were visibly pleased to have found the Czech stand and to see the Czech Republic represented at such an event.  In the late afternoon we taught Czech to those interested, and since the theme of the event was biodiversity and ecology, we focused on the vocabulary associated with it.

 The celebrations culminated in a big concert, where many well-known artists from Estonia and abroad performed. You can visit the photogallery from the whole day here.