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Ambassador Král discussed with students in Türi

On Thursday, 23 March, Ambassador David Král visited two primary schools and a deputy mayor in the municipality of Türi in central Estonia. The day of interesting visits and meetings took place in cooperation with the Diplomatic Relations Project, an NGO.

The first meeting with the students took place in the municipality of Türi at the local primary school Türi Põhikool. The Czech presentation included a quick Czech language course. After the meeting, the new director and her deputy invited the participants for a tour of the new school building and lunch in the local school cafeteria. In addition, Ambassador Král learned about engaging students with special needs or those who fled Ukraine after the Russian invasion began.

Solar panels and a small wind turbine were impressive in the second primary school visited, Väätsa põhikool. The school is partially self-sufficient in energy, and under ideal conditions even sells electricity to the network. The pupils of the local school, like their colleagues in Türi, heard a presentation about Czech history and realias.

Türi is located in the centre of Estonia, about halfway between the two largest cities - Tallinn and Tartu. Together with the deputy mayor, Elar Niglas, the ambassador's team finally discussed investments in the region, the problems and hopes of the locals in restructuring the economy and possible cooperation with Czech regions and municipalities.

The lecture was attended by more than hundred students aged 14-16.

The lecture was attended by more than hundred students aged 14-16.

The presentation was co-organised by the Diplomatic Relations Project.

The presentation was co-organised by the Diplomatic Relations Project.