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Velvyslanec David Král

Velvyslanec David Král

Velvyslanec David Král

Mgr. David Král

Narozen 11. 12. 1973



2000                   Civil Service College (Londýn), VAB (Vídeň), HAUS (Helsinky)

                              školitel v záležitostech EU

1999                     Université de Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle

                              odborná stáž se zaměřením na komparaci právních systémů

1992-1997           Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta

                              magistr v oboru právo

1990-1992           United World College of the Atlantic, Spojené království

                               International Baccalaureate

1988 – 1990        Matiční gymnázium, Ostrava


Přehled zaměstnání

od 9.2.2021                  Velvyslanectví České republiky v Estonsku

                                        mimořádný a zplnomocněný velvyslanec České republiky v Estonské

                                        republice (předání pověřovacích listin)

5/2014 – 10/2020      Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí ČR

                                        ředitel odboru zahraničněpolitických analýz a plánování

12/2010 – 4/ 2014      Center for European Policy Analysis, Washington D.C.

                                         seniorní analytik

10/2001 – 4/2014        Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM


12/2004 – 3/2014       Policy Association for an Open Society (PASOS)

                                        člen a předseda (2009 – 2011) výkonné rady

2001 – 2012                  Institut státní správy


2007 – 2008                 Anglo-americká univerzita Praha


2005 – 2007                 Metropolitní univerzita Praha


1999 – 2003                  Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd,

                                       Katedra západoevropských studií

                                       odborný asistent, zástupce vedoucí katedry



angličtina, francouzština, italština, ruština (pasivně), polština (pasivně)


Vybrané publikace

Král, Brinar, Almer: The Position of Small Countries towards Institutional Reform: From Tyranny of the Small to Directoire of the Big? Joint EPIN working paper, Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels 2003

Král, Šlosarčík: Perspektivy vzniku pevného jádra v EU, výzkumná zpráva pro MZV ČR, Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, 2004

Král, Pítrová, Šlosarčík: Smlouva zakládající ústavu pro Evropu - komentář. Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, 2004

Král, Pachta: Czech Republic and the Iraq Crisis : Shaping the Czech Stance. Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, 2005

Král, Pachta: Enlarged European Union and Its Foreign Policy – Issues, Challenges, Perspectives. Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, 2005

Czech Debate on the EU Membership Perspectives of Turkey and Ukraine. Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, 2005

Král, Řiháčková, Weiss: Views on American Foreign Policy: Atlanticism of Political Parties in Central and Eastern Europe. Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, 2008

Mýty a reality rozšíření Evropské unie [The Myths and the Realities of the EU Enlargement]. In Zahraničná politika 2/2008, Výzkumné centrum SFPA, Bratislava 2008

Král, Bartovic: The Future of EU Enlargement: Challenges, Pitfalls and Opportunities. In Think Global, Act European: The Contribution of European Think-Tanks to French, Czech and Swedish Trio Presidency. Notre Europe, Paris 2008

Král, Bartovic, Řiháčková: The 2009 Czech EU Presidency: Contested Leadership at a Time of Crisis. Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, Stockholm 2009

The Czech EU Presidency and Turkey: Is More than the Minimum Possible? In Finding Common Grounds, Research Center of SFPA, Bratislava 2009

Next One in the Relay: A View of the Swedish EU Presidency from Prague. In Langdal, Von Sydow: The Swedish Presidency: European Perspectives. Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, Stockholm 2009

Czech Republic and the Eastern Partnership: From a By-Product to a Beloved Child? In The Eastern Partnership in the Context of European Neighbourhood Policy and V4 Agenda. Kosciuszko Institute, Krakow 2010

Balcer, Bartovic, Král: Enlargement – Stalemate or Breakthrough? In Think Global, Act European: The Contribution of 14 European Think-Tanks to Spanish, Belgian and Hungarian Trio Presidency of the EU. Notre Europe, Paris 2010

The Impact of the Economic Crisis on EU Enlargement and Eastern Partnership. In Can Europe Rise to the Challenge? EU Policy Responses to the Global Crisis. Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Brussels 2010

The Czech Foreign Policy After 1990: From a Euro-Atlantic Consensus to a Deep Identity Crisis? Central European University – Centre for Studies of EU Enlargement, Budapest 2010

Central Europe and the United States in 2020: Time to Rethink the Common Agenda. In Building the New Normal. Centre for European Policy Analysis, Washington 2011

Between East and South: Balancing Central Europe’s New Approach to EU Neighborhood. Centre for European Policy Analysis, Washington 2011

Will the Fiscal Treaty Lead to Multispeed Europe? (Mezinárodní politika 3/2012 [International Affairs], 2012)

How the European Union Politics Split Central Europe. In Navigating Uncertainty: US- Central European Relations 2012, Center for European Policy Analysis, Washington 2012

Are We There Yet? The Road to a Political Union through the Eyes of V4 Members. In Towards a V4 Position on the Future of Europe. Polish Institute of International Relations, Warsaw 2012

Can the V4 as a Regional Association Play a Constructive Role in the EU Enlargement Process Towards Eastern Europe? In EuroAtlantic Quarterly, 3-4/2012, Slovak Atlantic Commission

Similar Concerns, Different Attitudes. Comparing the Czech and Polish Discourses on the Eurozone Crisis. Research Paper, Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, 2013

Official Development Assistance: The Case of Nine New EU Member States. Comparative paper, Centre for Economic Development, Sofia 2013