Go international and do research with Czechia!
09.03.2021 / 06:30 | Aktualizováno: 09.03.2021 / 06:37
Two calls for joint project proposals will be announced in the near future. Czech Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei (CECO) can help you find a Czech partner.
The Initiative „M-ERA.NET“ is an EU funded large network and a powerful tool to tackle European and global challenges in materials research. M-ERA.NET enables collaboration between leading academic and industrial research partners from European and non-European countries and regions and facilitates access to previously inaccessible new markets.
Advanced materials technologies have been classified as Key Enabling Technologies with a wide range of product applications such as developing low carbon energy technologies and improving energy and resource efficiency. They have huge potential to fuel economic growth and provide jobs.
The 2021 Call will be launched mid-March and is expected to be closed in June 15. The Call includes the following thematic areas:
- Modeling for materials engineering and processing;
- Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces;
- High performance composites;
- Functional materials;
- New strategies for advanced material-based technologies in health applications;
- Materials for additive manufacturing.
The aim is to fund ambitious transnational projects addressing materials research and innovation including materials for low carbon energy technologies and related production technologies. M-ERA.NET aims to strengthen the contribution of materials R&D to energy-related applications.
Secondly, another Call for project proposals under Delta Programme of Technology Agency of the Czech Republic is expected to be launched in May 12 and support cooperation in applied research, experimental development and innovation. Participant from the Czech Republic may be both a research organisation and an enterprise, which has to take on the role of a main applicant on the Czech side.
If interested, you can use „Partnering Tool“ for searching Czech partners or you can contact CECO which will gladly help you.
Marie Leflerova, Head of Science & Technology Section, Czech Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei