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Methods of payments for consular and visa fees

Consular and visa fees are to be paid by card, by money transfer or by cash.

The fees can vary each month according to the actual exchange rate.



Payments by card:

As the payments are made in foreign currency, please ensure that international payments on your card are enabled.

In case that the fees are paid by card at the consulate, please ensure, that you have the card physically with you (as the fees are transferred in foreign currency, the card must be inserted into the terminal - it is mostly not possible to make payments with a mobile device).

The consulate cannot accept American Express cards. 


Bank account transfer:

The exact information regarding the money transfer will  be sent to you  by email. Please follow the instructions.

Please state clearly your correct e-mail address in your application.


Payments by cash:

We recommned you to  pay by card instead, that is the preferred option of payment. Payment by cash is still possible, however the clients are asked to have the exact change corresponding to the amount of their fee.

Payments in cash can only be made in person at the consulate. The payment is done in Australian Dollars.