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Opening of Photographic Exhibition of Czech and Slovak landscapes and landmarks at the Czechoslovakian Country Club in Sydney.

On Sunday 23 June 2024 the Consul General of the Czech Republic in Sydney Zuzana Slováková opened a photographic exhibition of Czech and Slovak landscapes and landmarks at the Czechoslovakian Country Club in Sydney together with the Consul General of the Slovak Republic in Sydney Martin Kabáč and in the presence of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Australia H.E. Jana Tyrer.

In addition to the photographic exhibition, visitors had the opportunity to listen to a musical performance by the local folklore ensemble Kukabura, who performed a selection of Czech and Slovak folk songs dressed in traditional Czech garments.

The exhibition can be viewed at the Czechoslovakian Country Club at 320 Devonshire Rd, Kemps Creek, NSW until Sunday 28 July 2024.

Consul-General of the Czech Republic in Sydney Zuzana Slováková (on the right) and the Consul-General of the Slovak Republic in Sydney Martin Kabáč each gave a brief speech.

Consul-General of the Czech Republic in Sydney Zuzana Slováková (on the right) and the Consul-General of the Slovak Republic in Sydney Martin Kabáč each gave a brief speech.

A section of the exhibition of Czech and Slovak landscapes and landmarks installed at the Czechoslovakian Country Club.

A section of the exhibition of Czech and Slovak landscapes and landmarks installed at the Czechoslovakian Country Club.

The local folklore ensemble Kukabura performed during the event.

The local folklore ensemble Kukabura performed during the event.

(on the left) Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Australia H.E. Jana Tyrer and president of the Czechoslovakian Country Club Karel Kimla.

(on the left) Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Australia H.E. Jana Tyrer and president of the Czechoslovakian Country Club Karel Kimla.