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News in "Domov" in Melbourne - official presentation of renovated historical window

On March 16, 2016, an official presentation of newly renovated window of the Gallery in the Czech Home for Seniors, Domov, took place, in presence of the Honorary Consul General Dr. Milan Kantor, member of the Legislative Council of the State of Victoria, Hon. Bruce Atkinson and Hana Flanderová, Consul General of the Czech Republic in Sydney. 


During this special event Mr. Geoffrey Wallace, the author of the piece, introduced his fabulous work and its history to all the residents of Domov, the members of the management of Domov and other respective guests. In an exquisite way, the window completes the whole interior of the gallery and the overall look of the historical building, including beautiful motives of Alfons Mucha and Art Nouveau style and colours. Let us wish to all the visitors of the gallery, residents of Domov, Czech school students and other respective guests to enjoy the new space fully! A huge thanks goes also to Dr. Milan Kantor and his wonderful team for all the effort in bringing this project to life.

Hana Flanderová, Consul General 

