Gathering of Consuls-General and other esteemed women of the local Consular Corps at the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Sydney.
08.08.2023 / 04:37 | Aktualizováno: 08.08.2023 / 04:42
On 18th July 2023 an informal gathering of Consuls-General and other esteemed women of the local Consular Corps at the Consulate General of the Czech Republic at the invitation of the Consul-General of the Czech Republic in Sydney Mrs Zuzana Slováková.
For the occasion, the Consulate General of the Czech Republic organised a tea tasting experience provided by Lucie Vaňová’s Tea in Season, who presented a selection of quality teas sourced from Japan, China, Taiwan and last but not least, Australia.
The event contributed to deepening friendly relations and collaboration between Consulates General as part of the Sydney Consular Corps that are led by female officials.
Cover photo: (from the left) Deputy Consul-General of the Netherlands Meike de Jong, Consul of Taiwan Ya Ping Chiu, Consul-General of the United States of America Christine Elder, Consul-General of Argentina Silvina Laura Aguirre, Consul-General of the Czech Republic Zuzana Slováková, Consul-General of Great Britain Louise Cantillon, owner of Tea in Season Lucie Vaňová and Consul-General of Poland Monika Konczyk.