We commemorated the sad 51st anniversary of the tragic accident of the bus with Czechoslovak paratroopers near Galabnik
21.09.2023 / 16:05 | Aktualizováno: 06.11.2023 / 16:09
(This article expired 30.09.2024 / 17:08.)
September 21, 2023 marked 51 years since the tragic foggy morning when a bus with Czechoslovak paratroopers and their Bulgarian escort collided with an oncoming train at the then unprotected railway crossing near Galabnik, about 50 km from the capital. The result was the death of eleven Czechoslovaks and a Bulgarian doctor. A memorial commemorating the accident now stands near the site, at the foot of which the Czech Deputy Ambassador laid mourning flowers to honour their memory. The Czech Embassy continues to negotiate with its Bulgarian partners on the restoration and beautification of the existing memorial so that the memory of the victims will be properly honoured in the future as well.
Last September, a commemorative event was held to mark the 50th anniversary of the tragic event, with official participation from the Czech, Slovak and Bulgarian sides. The event was preceded by a partial restoration of the memorial and its surroundings thanks to the help of Bulgarian partners.
As the situation surrounding the memorial and its restoration is quite complex and is related to both the financial issue and the different legal regulations in these countries, further negotiations are underway and ways are being sought to reach an agreement on the repair and improvement of the memorial in the near future.
The Embassy greatly appreciates the help and care of the Bulgarian partners so far, starting from the municipality of Galabnik to the town of Radomir and the Joint Special Forces Command of the Bulgarian Army.