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Visit of Ambassador Miroslav Toman in Gostivar and festive closing of a transformation project

On the 31st of October, Ambassador Miroslav Toman visited town Gostivar.

During his visit, he held meetings with the town Mayor Arben Tavarim, and representatives of the business chamber. At the end of his stay, he took part in the conclusion of a transformational project "Young Voices", within which 20 young amateur journalist underwent a training.

Návštěva velvyslance Miroslava Tomana v Gostivaru a slavnostní zakončení transformačního projektu 3

Návštěva velvyslance Miroslava Tomana v Gostivaru a slavnostní zakončení transformačního projektu 3

Návštěva velvyslance Miroslava Tomana v Gostivaru a slavnostní zakončení transformačního projektu 2

Návštěva velvyslance Miroslava Tomana v Gostivaru a slavnostní zakončení transformačního projektu 2