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Photo: Natalija T. Karovska
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Handover of the V4 Presidency 2020-2021, Czech Republic to Poland

June 22, 2020, a small ceremony took place at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Skopje. In the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of North Macedonia Nikola Dimitrov and director of his cabinet, Paskal Stojcheski, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic, Miroslav Toman handed over the local presidency of the V4 Group to his Polish counterpart, Wojciech Tyciński. Hungarian Ambassador László István Dux as well as Slovak Ambassador Henrik Markus took part in the event as well.
Cooperation within the Visegrad Group, composing of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, which began 29 years ago, is a perfect example of states with the same historical experiences and similar challenges on the European and global stage, forging genuine ties and pursuing common interests.
The political successes of the V4 include its commitment to the support for the countries of the Western Balkans. The V4 states continue to play a role in highlighting the importance of the EU enlargement policies and maintaining them high on the EU agenda.

Czech Presidency in the Visegrad Group 2019-2020

During its V4 Presidency, acting under the motto „V4Reasonable Europe“, the Czech Republic has tried to apply a rational, pragmatic and constructive approach, putting emphasis on European agenda and formats on the high-political as well as on the expert level. During the CZ V4 Presidency, more than 50 high level political events took place. The second half of the Presidency has been severely touched by the coronavirus pandemic therefore some of the planned activities had to be postponed, like for example a meeting of the V4 and WB6 Parliament Speakers which was due to take place in April in Prague. However even in this unprecedented situation, CZ V4 PRES has managed to maintain Visegrad cooperation operative and concentrated on its main priorities.

In the realm of external relations, CZ V4 PRES has strived to show practical solidarity of the V4 by supporting the neighbouring regions – the Western Balkans in particular. The support of the ambitions of the North Macedonia and Albania in view of beginning of the EU accession talks was the key element. In this regard, the CZ V4 PRES organized several high level events. On September 12, 2019 the historically first V4+WB6 Summit of Prime Ministers took place in Prague. On February 29, 2020 a similar meeting on the level of the Ministers of the Foreign Affairs followed. Apart from the Ministers from the V4 and WB6 countries + their counterparts from Croatia, Slovenia and Austria participated as well as the representatives of the EU Commission. On the margin of the event, the Memorandum of cooperation between the International Visegrad Fund and Western Balkan Fund was signed as well as a joint V4 Ministers declaration supporting the WB EU integration process in view of the coming EU Council. Its positive decision on opening the accession talks with North Macedonia and Albania was warmly welcomed by all V4 countries.


Priorities of Polish Presidency in the Visegrad Group 2020-2021

The process of overcoming the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic will have a significant impact on the course of the Polish Presidency in the V4, in many areas and aspects. V4 will need to work closely to bring socio-economic life in the region back on track. Therefore, "Back on track" will be the motto of the Polish V4 Presidency.

V4 initiatives and activities under the PL PRES will be divided into three areas: Economy and connectivity, Security, Society. In these three areas PL PRES has set 4 objectives:

1. Strong V4 in a strong Europe - objective related to the coordination of V4 countries' activities within the EU;

2. Return to normality - objective related to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences;

3. People-to-people contacts - objective related to strengthening integration and cohesion within the V4, between the V4 countries/societies;

4. Digital V4 – e-V4 - objective related to the development of V4 cooperation in the digital sector.

The Polish V4 Presidency coincides with the 30th anniversary of the Visegrad cooperation (founded February 1991). The celebration in 2021 will offer an opportunity to assess common achievements so far and consider the directions to take in the future.

Uncertainty about the real progress of the EU enlargement policy will remain a challenge, potentially threatening the strategic interests of Europe, especially Central Europe. Coordinated political support from V4 to the EU enlargement process and efforts to support the pro-integration aspirations of the Western Balkans’ countries, will continue. Here, Poland will also draw on the experience of the PL Presidency of the Berlin Process. In support of the so-called regional ownership in the Western Balkans region, V4 will implement through the International Visegrad Fund the agreed technical assistance to the Western Balkans Fund.

VV + Nikola Dimitrov

VV + Nikola Dimitrov

VV + Wojciech Tyciński

VV + Wojciech Tyciński


VV + ambassadors

VV + ambassadors