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Delegation of North Macedonia travels to Joint Committee on Economic Cooperation in Prague

From March 9 until 11 there was a series of meetings, excursions, workshops, presentations and other common activities of the representatives of Czech ministries and companies with the representatives of partner ministries and public enterprises of North Macedonia that was organized or negotiated by the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade in cooperation with the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Skopje.

The interest to further the cooperation not only in the field of economy, was obvious both from the size of the delegation of North Macedonia, that numbered 30 people, and from the level of representatives, since the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Transport Mr. Aleksandar Nikoloski, the Minister of Energy, Mining and Minerals Sanja Bozhinovska, Deputy Ministers and State Secretaries of other portfolios of the Government of North Macedonia came to Czechia.

During the visit, there was a meeting of the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia Ms Elena Kuzmanovska Biondikj with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Czechia Mr. Jan Marian.

During the meetings there were discussions regarding the potential direct flight Skopje – Prague and in that sense there were direct contacts between the management of the Skopje airport, Prague airport and tourist agencies from Czechia.

Further information is available on: https://mpo.gov.cz/cz/rozcestnik/pro-media/tiskove-zpravy/sdileni-know-how-a-propojeni-firem--ceska-republika-posiluje-partnerstvi-se-severni-makedonii--286531/


Delegace Severní Makedonie cestovala na Smíšenou komisi pro hospodářskou spolupráci do Prahy

Delegace Severní Makedonie cestovala na Smíšenou komisi pro hospodářskou spolupráci do Prahy

Delegace Severní Makedonie cestovala na Smíšenou komisi pro hospodářskou spolupráci do Prahy

Delegace Severní Makedonie cestovala na Smíšenou komisi pro hospodářskou spolupráci do Prahy

Delegace Severní Makedonie cestovala na Smíšenou komisi pro hospodářskou spolupráci do Prahy

Delegace Severní Makedonie cestovala na Smíšenou komisi pro hospodářskou spolupráci do Prahy


Delegace Severní Makedonie cestovala na Smíšenou komisi pro hospodářskou spolupráci do Prahy

Delegace Severní Makedonie cestovala na Smíšenou komisi pro hospodářskou spolupráci do Prahy