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Photo: L. Pšenka
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Days of Czech Culture and Diplomatic Charity Bazaar

Days of Czech culture were held from 28.5.19 to 2.6.19 in Skopje.

We tasted Czech specialties in the restaurant “Pelister” where Czech beer was of course tapped. Thanks to Czech chefs who prepared Czech specialties according to Czech traditional recipes, this variety of flavors and aromas was created.

On 29 May 19, an exhibition of the Czech comics “100 Years of Czech Comics” took place in the EU Information Center. On this occasion, the film "Four Murders Are Enough, Darling" was screened in which animated scenes are the work of the Czech comic artist Kája Saudek. The exhibition was visited by the Minister of the Interior of the Republic of North Macedonia, Oliver Spasovski, and the Ex-Minister of Culture, Robert Alagjozovski, now the national coordinator for the development of culture and inter-ministerial cooperation in Prime Minister Zoran Zaev's government.

Dny české kultury

Dny české kultury

In the club Woodstock, Skopje we had the opportunity to enjoy the concert of Czech composer, singer, songwriter and artist Vladivojna La Chia, not only wild and unique Czech music, but also no less avant-garde stage presentation of singer Vladivojna La-Chia.

Dny české kultury

Dny české kultury

This year, Ambassador Miroslav Toman asumed the honorary presidency of the Diplomatic Charity Bazaar, which took place on 1 June 19 at 11 am in the GTC. The Czech singer Vladivojna La Chia performed during the Diplomatic charity bazaar and the Czech animated film for children "Ferdy the Ant" was screened for the youngest. The purpose of this charity bazaar was to raise funds for handicapped children with cerebral palsy. There was also an art workshop for children under the leadership of artist Burhan Ahmeti, organized by the Czech Embassy in cooperation with the non-profit organization ADI. The best pictures of children and artist Burhan Ahmeti were sold at the Diplomatic Charity Concert that took place the same day in the Macedonian Philharmonу. Diplomatic Charity Bazaar was very well attended and visitors have the opportunity to try traditional Czech sweet delights Spa wafers, Czech Fidorky, Czech goulash and Czech draft beer Pilsner urquell and Černý kozel. The Czech Embassy has earned about 80,000, - mkd and all the money will be donated to the center for children with cerebral palsy. Ambassador H. E. Miroslav Toman also donated one painting for the new premises of the Center to children with cerebral palsy.

Dny české kultury

Dny české kultury