Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Republic of Kosovo
13.12.2008 / 20:24 | Aktualizováno: 06.11.2023 / 16:55
Date of Birth: February 24, 1962
Place of Birth: Kroměříž, Czech Republic
Marital Status: Married, three children
Languages: English, Russian, Polish, Laotian
08/1980-06/1986 Institute of International Relations in Moscow,
RF Charles University of Prague /Faculty of Law/, Czech Republic
(Master Degree)
11/1985-03/1986 Attaché, Embassy in Vientiane, Lao PDR
02/1999-02/2000 MFA´s Diplomatic Academy for Senior Diplomats (DA2), Prague
10/1986-10/1987 Compulsory Military Service
Professional career:
08/1986-03/1988 Ministry of Foreign Affairs /MFA/, Asia Dpt., Prague, Czech Republic
04/1988-12/1990 Attaché/DHoM, Embassy in Vientiane, Lao PDR
01/1990-12/1990 Chargé d´Affaires a.i., Embassy in Vientiane, Lao PDR
01/1991-05/1992 Attaché/Third Secretary, Embassy in New Delhi, India
06/1992-11/1993 Asia Dpt., MFA, Prague
12/1993-02/1997 First Secretary/DHoM, Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand
12/1993-02/1996 Chargé d´Affaires a.i., Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand
03/1997-09/1997 Chargé d´Affaires (Counsellor), Embassy in New Delhi, India
1.9.1997-14.9.2000 Chief of South and South-East Asia Division, Asia Dpt., MFA, Prague
1.9.1998-15.12.1998 Acting Deputy Director, Asia Dpt., MFA, Prague
09/2000-08/2003 Counsellor/DHoM, Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
09/2003-10/2007 Asia Dpt., MFA, Prague
01/2004-09/2007 Deputy Director, Asia Dpt., MFA, Prague
11/2007-06/2008 Consul General (Counsellor), Consulate General in Katowice, Poland
08/2008-09/2012 Consul General (Minister-Counsellor), Consulate General in Shanghai,
PR of China
11/2012-09/2014 Procurement Dpt., Coordinator, MFA, Prague
09/2014-09/2018 Ambassador, Embassy in Vilnius, Lithuania
09/2018- 12/2022 Head of the Deputy Minister´s Office, MFA, Prague
01/2023-09/2023 Head of the Director General´s Office, MFA, Prague
09/2023-until now Ambassador, Embassy in Pristina, Kosovo
Hobbies: Travelling, reading, cycling, motorsport; playing tennis, floorbal, soccer and