Vaclav Havel's Protest was successfully presented in South Africa
25.09.2012 / 11:52 | Aktualizováno: 10.11.2013 / 11:48
The Embassy of the Czech Republic in association with the South African Department of Arts and Culture and Vaclav Havel Library presented in September in South Africa a series of performances of the play Protest written by playwright and former Czech (Czechoslovak) President Vaclav Havel. The play was performed by renowned Zimbabwean theatre company Rooftop Promotions.
The performance, which was presented under the title „Protest – European Parallel to Nelson Mandela“, took place in popular South African Theatres - Masker Theatre at the University of Pretoria (11.9.), Atterbury Theatre in Pretoria (13.9.), Theatre on the Square in Sandton (16.9.) and Fugard Theatre in Cape Town (18.9.) and it was seen by hundreds of people. The play, performed by celebrated Zimbabwean actors Daves Guzha and O'Brian Mudyiwenyama, focuses on the issues of freedom of speech in a totalitarian regime. The performances were accompanied by an exhibition of photographs of Vaclav Havel.