Presentation of Czech science in Delhi
08.05.2017 / 13:50
The Delegation of the European Union to India in association with embassies of the EU Member States and Associated countries and EURAXESS India, organised on 29.3.2017 at the occasion of 10th Anniversary of European Research Council a series of presentations and networking workshops.
On the venue appeared interesting guests – i.a. Dr. Balpreet Singh Ahluwalia or Dr. Sumeet Mahajan, ERC grantees and researchers from Universities in norwegian Tromsř and British Southampton. Both scientists accented, that ERC grant was helpfull not only because of the financial injection, but also due to a reputation and prestige, that represents. Subsequent speaker, Ambassador of the European Union to India Tomasz Kozlowski added, how important is a fact, that grants are open to research workers from all nations.
In the afternoon worskhops participated members of the Czech Embassy, who showcased Czechia as a country with developed infrastructure in the field of Research and Development. To interested people from academic sector, science institutions and government organisations described possibilities of co-operation with prestigous Czech subjects and on the other hand, they listened the feedback of Indian researchers.
Very pleasant discovery was a fact, that many of Indian researchers knew the Czech Republic very well from the time of their postgraduate studies in Germany.