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Photo: Velvyslanectví České republiky v Dillí
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Czechia at the PITEX 2017

Date: 07 December 2017 1:00 AM - 11 December 2017 1:00 AM, Venue: Amritsar, Punjab

The 12th annual PITEX International Trade Fair (Punjab International Trade Exhibition) took place in Amritsar on 7 - 11 December 2017 with the participation of the Czech Republic as one of the partner countries.

The Czech exhibition booth, was used by Indian representatives of Czech companies Ekovermes, PETROCard, Abitec and BAC. The Little Columbus School, established by Czech entrepreneur Ms. Michelle Leškovská in Amritsar, as well as the offer of tours to the Czech Republic for Indian travelers, prepared in cooperation with Czech travel agencies, were also presented at the booth.

The exhibition stand also enabled the general presentation of the Czech Republic as an interesting investment destination and an attractive destination for Indian tourists, using the promotional materials supplied by the Czech Embassy.

Ambassador H. E. Milan Hovorka met with Chief Minister of Punjab Capt. Amarinder Singh and Minister of Local Government and Tourism Navjot Singh Sidhu on the occasion of the inauguration of the trade fair. Ambassador informed after the talks that "the meeting with the Chief Minister was an excellent opportunity to recall the activities of Czech business entities in Punjab and to discuss the proposal of the PHD Chamber of Commerce to organize a business mission to the Czech Republic in 2018".