One Mega Event - International fair for Solar Energy, Smart Cities , Water and Buildings
29.04.2017 / 09:56
The combination of five expos into One Mega Event will be held on 10. - 12. 5. 2017 at Pragati Maidan, Delhi, where the fair and conference will focus on modern technologies in areas of: Buildings, Solar Energy, Transportation, Smart Cities and Water.
Against the backdrop of Indian government programs to promote intelligent urban planning models is taking place the "One Mega Event" in Delhi's Pragati Maidan Exhibition Center: Smarter Sollutions for a Better Tomorrow, which integrates four well-established exhibitions - Smart Cities India 2017, Solar India 2017, Transport 2017 and Water 2017, and for the first time a separate fair dedicated to smart buildings and sustainable development "Buildings India 2017".
Exhibitors from urban public transport, traffic control management, smart parking, and smart railway stations will take part in the event. Great emphasis is placed on water sanitation, sewage, cleaning, and activities associated with the Clean Ganga government initiative. Solar energy, energy conservation, green buildings, and the Internet of Things are other big areas that will be presented at the fair.
Most notable is the "Smart cities 2017" exhibition, which focuses on the latest trends in urban, architecture, independent buildings and interconnected systems, traffic control management, smart parking, clean transport, water and sewer systems and other perspectives related to "smart cities" ".
Information about the third year of the fair is available on the official website of the event: www.onemegaevent.com
Contact details for submitting applications are Praveens Singh, phone +91 9899 786 777 praveens@eigroup.in
The brochure of the fair and the program – see attached below.