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EBG Federation Position Paper 2018 released

Date: 23 April 2018 2:00 AM, Venue: New Delhi

Position Paper 2018 which represents a common view of the members of the EBG Federation and its knowledge partners on key aspects of the business environment in India was launched on 23 April 2018 in New Delhi. Czech Ambassador Milan Hovorka was among the EU Ambassadors and high officials of Government of India who graced the occasion with their presence.

The EBG Federation which was established in 1997 as the European Business Group (EBG) represents the European Business community in India including important Czech investor Home Credit India which contributed to the Position Paper 2018 preparation as well.

The Position Paper 2018 expresses the relevant concerns of EU companies in carrying on or growing their business in the current environment in India and proposes key policy reforms for the growth of business and economy. EBG Position Paper is distributed to all key and relevant stakeholders in the Government of India, Delegation of the European Union to India and the EU Member State Embassies in India.

The message of Ambassador of the Czech Rpublic to India, H. E. Milan Hovorka, which is a part of the Position Paper 2018 is enclosed below.


Message of Ambassador of the Czech Republic 100 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Apr 30, 2018