Meet the Czech Companies During Vibrant Gujarat
10.01.2019 / 16:44
As many as 50 Czech companies and firms will be presented to visitors at the Vibrant Gujarat 2019 Summit, which will take place in Mahathma Mandir, Conference Center in Gandhinagar, the capital city of the Gujarat in India, from 18. to 20. January 2019. A large business delegation will be led by Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Andrej Babiš, accompanied by Minister of Industry and Trade Marta Nováková and other senior representatives of the political and business scene of the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic will at the 9th edition of the Vibrant Gujarat participate as a Partner Country and present at Expo its own pavilion. On Friday, January 18, 2018, at 17:00, a seminar on bilateral relations between India and the Czech Republic, entitled "The Czech Republic - Perspective Technological Partner of India on the Path to Common Prosperity", will take place in Conference Hall 1. After the business forum will be possible to meet the representatives of companies and make B2B meetings, as well as during the day on the Czech stand (Exhibition Hall No. 1). The list of companies, their profiles and contact persons as well as the seminar program can be found in the appendix. After selecting those of your interest we recommend that you arrange B2B meetings directly after registering at www.vibrantgujarat.com.
The 9th edition of Vibrant Gujarat Summit will see in 2019 the participation of the Czech Republic as a partner country. On this occasion, there will be several dozen Czech companies and investors who have made their way to India to introduce themselves to Indian partners and establish valuable contacts. Energy, IT, healthcare, real estate, financial and other services, civil aviation, construction sector, defense industry, engineering, glass making, design, telecommunications, railway industry, petrochemicals, chemical and the automotive industry will be well represented. and the management of one of the largest chambers of commerce in the Czech Republic, the Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic, who will be willing to help with the selection of a suitable partner and companies that did not reach India this time. Throughout the summit and until January 22, 2019, a commercial and trade counsellor of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi and many other Czech companies will be present at the Czech Pavilion, ready to help find a suitable partner for all visitors.
For a complete information about companies, please see the enclosed list including contacts and profiles. Bellow you will also find a program of business forum. We also recommend that you use the registration enrollment process at www.vibrantgujarat.com to arrange B2B meetings.
Milan Dostál, Economic Diplomat, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi