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Invitation to 60. International Engineering Fair in Brno

Date: 01 October 2018 - 06 October 2018, Venue: Exhibition Center, Brno

The Embassy of the Czech Republic has the honor to inform all  stakeholders about the organization of the jubilee 60th International Engineering Fair (Mezinárodní strojírenský veletrh – MSV) and the 11th International Trade Fair of Metal-Cutting Machine Tools and Forming Machines Tools (IMT), which will take place on the premises of the Exhibition Center in Brno on October 1-5, 2018. Simultaneously with MSV will be held also specialized technological fairs IMT, FOND-EX, WELDING, PROFINTECH and PLASTEX.

The International Engineering Fair is the most important industrial and technological fair in Central Europe. This year's event will feature an offer of up to 1800 companies from 35 countries, attended by more than 80,000 professional visitors. The trade fair is organized in close cooperation with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, The Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic, the Czech Chamber of Commerce and other trade associations.

The opening day of the trade fair on Monday, 1st of October 2018 will be, as per tradition, attended by top representatives of the political and business sphere, headed by Prime Minister and Economic Ministers of the Government of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, as the partner country will be Slovakia this year. It is necessary to remind, that India was a partner country during very successful last edition.


Indian delegation 2017


The trade fair can be used for bilateral activities at the government or business level, for the organization of trade missions within the scope of economic diplomacy project, visits of professional journalists and especially for visits of potential importers of industrial machines and technologies from the Czech Republic. Highlights include automation of industrial processes, industry 4.0, robotics and digitization. More detailed information about MSV Brno can be found at www.bvv.cz/msv

To ensure the stay of foreign VIP guests, please contact the protocol department. (contact: Mr. E. Svobodova, esvobodova@bvv.cz, tel. +420 541153278) or foreign press center (contact J. Erlebach, jerlebach@bvv.cz, tel .: +420 724232347) or alternatively The Embassy of the Czech Republic stays to your disposal at Commerce_Delhi@mzv.cz


Milan Dostál, Economic Diplomat, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi