Indian food industry interested in Czech technologies
18.04.2019 / 06:46 | Aktualizováno: 25.04.2019 / 20:36
Number of meetings with Czech manufacturers and service providers was held within business mission of food processing Indian companies to Czechia, which was prepared in cooperation of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi, Czech Trade Agency and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. The Indian delegation was received by Deputy Minister of Agriculture Jiří Šír and possibilities of cooperation in agriculture and food industry were discussed during the meeting. The mission program was focused on brewing, sugar manufacturing, packaging, dairy and bakery technology. Indian entrepreneurs visited Czech companies ZVÚ STROJÍRNY, MOPOS, J4, Czech Brewmasters, Velteko, Viking Mašek, Pacovské strojírny and Budějovický Budvar during their three days visit in Czechia.
The aim of the business mission was to introduce Czech food processing technology, machinery and machinery suppliers to Indian delegation which was visiting the Czech companies during the three-day mission program. The delegation also called on Deputy Minister of Agriculture Jiří Šír and on this occasion opportunities for the expansion of bilateral trade cooperation were discussed: especially in the field of brewing technologies, packaging technologies, but also in the area of export of wood or genetic material for livestock breeding.
The Indian delegation also attended a half-day seminar at the CzechTrade headquarters in Prague, where the Czech food processing machinery and equipment manufacturers were also present. Czech companies were able to get acquainted with the latest trends in Indian food processing industry and with export opportunities, especially in dairy, brewing, packaging and bakery equipment. Czech companies BeHo, Czech Brewmasters and Isoline attended the seminar on the Czech side.
In discussions with Czech partners, Indian companies have confirmed that the food industry in India is currently providing numerous business opportunities for technology, machinery and equipment suppliers. The business mission to the Czech Republic showed on one hand the interest of Indian partners in cooperation with Czech suppliers and, on the other hand, the technical abilities and competitiveness of Czech industry. As a follow-up to this event, a mission of Czech companies operating in this field to India is being considered in the coming months.