Food Processing Technology Business Mission to Czechia
26.03.2019 / 13:22
Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi in co-operation with the CzechTrade office in Bengaluru is organizing Food Processing Technology Business Mission to the Czech Republic for Indian importers. The mission is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic.
Sectoral Focus
- Machines and equipment for bakeries
- Machines and equipment for confectionery production
- Accessories for bakeries and confectionery production
- Machines and technologies for dairy industry
- Machines and technologies for meat industry
- Machines and technologies for fruit and vegetable processing
- Machines and technologies for production of pastas and sweets
- Machines and technologies for production of drinks
- Cooling and freezing units
Indian participants
The business mission will focus on transfer of technology facilitation and import of machinery and equipment from the Czech Republic to India. Indian importers and suppliers of food processing technologies should consist core group of the participants.
The main goal is to provide opportunities for matchmaking and for finding new commercial and industrial partnerships between Czech exporters and Indian importers of Food Processing Technology.
Outline of the Programme
The Business Mission is scheduled for 3 days. It will consist of Sourcing Day at the CzechTrade Office in Prague where the Indian and Czech companies will meet for B2B meetings. The Indian delegation will be received at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. The main part of the programme will consist of visits to factories of manufacturers of Food Processing Technologies.
8 – 11 April 2019
Mr. Milan Touš, Commercial Counsellor, Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi, E-mail: milan_tous@mzv.cz , Mobile: +91 99 109 99 578, +420 604 11 33 69
Mr. Ivan Kameník, Head of CzechTrade Office in Bengaluru, E-mail: ivan.kamenik@czechtrade.cz , Mobile: +91 98 704 130 81, +420 776 016 143