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Future Forces Forum to be held in Prague

Date: 17 October 2018 2:00 AM - 19 October 2018 2:00 AM, Venue: Prague

The Czech Republic will host the 13th edition of defence & security specialized conference and exhibition FUTURE FORCES FORUM (FFF) in Prague, within the period of 17‑19 October 2018. The FFF is organised under auspices of the Government of the Czech Republic and in cooperation with NATO.

It responds to the latest trends and needs and it helps to achieve the so much sought interoperability. All FFF events are primarily focused on presentations of needs of armed and security forces, state-of-the-art technologies, R&D programmes, and business opportunities, with interactions between all participants due to the interconnected topics.

The FFF 2018 consists of following events:


For further information please visit the website of the Future Forces Forum. You can also contact the Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi on e-mail address: milan_tous@mvz.cz.


Tatra military truck at FFF Exhibition

Tatra military truck at FFF Exhibition


Future Forces Forum 2018 Introduction 301 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Jun 8, 2018