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Approved Small Local Projects for 2019

 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic approved two small local development projects in Nepal and one project for Sri Lanka in 2019. The total amount of the support of the Czech Government will be 1,319,894.00 CZK.


1)  Providing clean water and sanitation for schoolchildren in  Darchula Nepal (School WASH)  

The project will be realized by Sankalpa Darchula Nepal (Sankalpa). The project is supported by 396,580.00 CZK.

Many schools in Nepal, especially in remote areas, still have no access to drinking water and sanitation. Lack of toilets causes low attendance of schools, especially from girls. The project focuses on the construction of separate toilets and other sanitary facilities and the establishment of water treatment systems in two selected schools in Sankalpa. The project also includes special training on water, sanitation and hygiene for the school teachers how to learn children hygienic behavior.

2) Enhancing access of physically disabled students in school education through constructing wheelchair ramp, material support and training

The project will be realized by Dhaulagiri Integrated Rural Development Centre (DIRDC). The project is supported by 423,314.00 CZK.

Only one school in Banglung is engaged in educating handicapped pupils. Even so, it misses the necessary equipment, furniture and teaching materials. The provided funds will be used for the construction of wheelchair ramp for transport of physically disabled students to the 1st floor, purchase of special furniture, library equipment and computers equipment and training of teachers for their work with disabled students. 


Sri Lanka

1)  Children Deserve the Best Phase II

The project will be realized by ADRA Sri Lanka.  The project is supported  by 500,00.00 CZK.

The project builds on the previous project of building of libraries in two schools for Czech money. One of the schools is in a very poor technical condition, so the project focuses on its renovation and purchase of furniture and equipment, the adaptation of the outdoor school playground, the purchase of learning materials and implementing personal hygiene and environmental sanitation programs.