Czechia participating at Organic World Congress
08.11.2017 / 07:56
Czechia participates at the Organic World Congress 2017 in Delhi. Mr. Jan Valeška, Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Czech Technology Platform for Organic Agriculture is among the official delegates of the Congress as well as the subsequent IFOAM Organics International General Assembly. National exhibition booth at Biofach India - India Organic trade fair presents Czech organic farming.
The participation of Czechia as well as the overall development of organic farming is fully supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic.
During the IFOAM Organics International General Assembly the candidature of Czechia to host the Organic World Congress 2020 in the Capital city Prague is presented. Please see the details here.
For more informtain on the Organic World Congress 2017 please visit the official website.