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Czech Republic Partnered Waste to Worth Conference

Despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi continues its activities to support the networking of Czech companies with their Indian partners. This time, through a project of support economic diplomacy called Business Mission to India focused on Waste Management and Water Treatment, mediated the participation of the Czech Republic and its companies in a virtual conference and exhibition entitled " Waste to Worth". The interest in participation was great when 12 Czech companies took part and used the opportunity to set up a virtual stand and establish new contacts. Present was also the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, which this event supported financially, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs or representatives of non-profit organizations and opinion leaders.

The virtual conference "Waste to Worth" was opened on 30th of October by Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic for EU Affairs and Foreign Trade, Ms. Martina Tauberová, when the Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi secured a participation of the Czech Republic as a Partner Country.


Ambassador Milan Hovorka, who was also virtually present during inauguration of the conference, stated on this occasion: “Waste Management and Circular Economy belongs to sectors, where the Czech Republic sees opportunity for greater importance, space for transformation and deeper collaboration, especially in the times of enforced structural changes evolved from coronavirus impacted economies. I am pleased by abundant Czech interest reflected in large Czech pavilion, for which visit I am cordially inviting you”.


Czech Pavilion

The inauguration of the conference was also attended by Principal Scientific Advisor, prof. K. Vijay Raghavan or Secretary Dr. Neeraj Sharma from Technology Development Board.

This ambitious participation was another from the activities of our Embassy within the Action Plan for the Support of Economic Diplomacy during the COVID-19 Pandemic.


The conference "Waste to Values" continued by the speeches of other experts from the Czech Republic. Mr. Michael Rada, Founder and Leader of the Industry 5.0 concept, addressed the audience of the block I. "Glocal Models and Best Practices for Waste Management". In the following panel discussion on the topic "Leveraging Emerging Technologies for Waste Management", Mr. Pavel Zedníček, Project Manager and international relations from the Institute of Circular Economics, discussed the topic with other experts in the panel.


On the occasion addressed the audience earlier that day Ms. Martina Tauberová: “I would like to thank Indian and Czech Businessmen for continuing to develop our economic relations. Your dedicated effort, passion and determination is the foundation of our bilateral relationship”.




On the first day of the conference, the accompanying trade fair was also ceremoniously opened, at which the Czech Republic made itself visible through its own pavilion. The virtual stands on it for companies such as: Cyrkl, Ekopanely, Enress, Erc-Tech, Florium, H2O Group, IBCSD LAB, LOGeco, Pharma Invest & Development, Plastia, Stabilplastik and Wero Energy were supported by a project to support the economic diplomacy   


The participation of the Czech Republic as a partner country in the conference and exhibition "Waste to Worth" continued on Friday, November 6th, 2020 with an exclusive webinar, which presented the Czech Republic to more than two hundred Indian visitors. The virtual seminar was opened by Ambassador Milan Hovorka, joined by Director General Petr Kulovany from the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Sona Jonasova, CEO of Institute of Circular Economy and dozen Czech companies in the field of waste management and circular economy.


Milan Dostál, Economic Diplomat, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi